**Important Information** From 7pm today there will be road closures on Wheelers Lane - Please allow extra time for your journey

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We use traffic log cookies to identify which pages are being used.

This helps us analyse data about webpage traffic and improve our website in order to tailor it to customer needs. We only use this information for statistical analysis purposes and then the data is removed from the system.

Overall, cookies help us provide you with a better website, by enabling us to monitor which pages you find useful and which you do not. A cookie in no way gives us access to your computer or any information about you, other than the data you choose to share with us.

How we use cookies

Some of the cookies listed below are those set by our own website when you visit www.thesnowcentre.com. We also have cookies on our website that are set by third parties. For example, to enable us to have YouTube videos played through our website, YouTube places cookies on its video content.

Cookie Purpose More Information
Google Analytics These cookies are used to collect anonymous information about how visitors use our site. We use the information to compile analytical reports which help us improve our website. The cookies collect information such as the number of visitors to our website, how they arrived there (e.g. directly from the internet or through linking from another website) and tracking which webpages they visited. Click here for an overview of privacy at Google
Google Maps & Tour Dash We embed Google Maps content onto the website using Tour Dash; Google will then track your usage of maps, your IP address and location.  Click here for more information about how Google use cookies
Google Search We will embed Google search content onto the website; Google will then track your searches to help improve the search results.  Click here for more information about how Google use cookies
DoubleClick These are used to establish whether our advertising on third party websites, including Google websites, drove you to our website and which pages you then viewed. Click here to find out how DoubleClick uses cookies
Facebook These cookies are used to show us when people like and share our pages, mainly from our SnowSure articles; and when someone clicks through from our website to our Facebook page. The data is anonymous. We will not know who has liked and shared a page. Click here to find out how Facebook uses cookies
Twitter These cookies are used to show us when people like and share our pages, mainly from our SnowSure articles; and when someone clicks from our website to our Twitter profile. The data is anonymous. We will not know who has liked and shared a page. Click here to find out how Twitter uses cookies
Instagram These cookies are used to show us when people like and share our pages, mainly from our SnowSure articles; and when someone clicks from our website to our Instagram profile. The data is anonymous. We will not know who has liked and shared a page.  
Vimeo We embed Vimeo videos onto our website; Vimeo will then track your usage of the video, how long you watch it for, your IP address and location. Click here to find out how Vimeo uses cookies
YouTube We embed Vimeo videos onto our website; Vimeo will then track your usage of the video, how long you watch it for, your IP address and location. Click here to see YouTubes Privacy Policy

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Our website may contain links to other websites of interest. However, once you have used these links to leave our site, you should note that we do not have any control over that other website. Therefore, we cannot be responsible for the protection and privacy of any information which you provide whilst visiting such sites and such sites are not governed by this privacy statement. You should exercise caution and look at the privacy statement applicable to the website in question.

Declining Cookies

All computers have the ability to decline or delete cookies. This can be done by activating the setting on your browser which enables you to decline the cookies, or delete all of the ones currently stored. Please note that should you choose to decline cookies, you may be unable to access particular parts of our website.

For more information about cookies and instructions on how to adjust your browser settings to accept, delete or reject cookies, see the www.allaboutcookies.org website.

The word from the slopes

  • “Easy access from M1. Plenty of parking, simple registration, and quick service to collect skis, boots etc. Both lifts serving the main slopes worked faultlessly and although the session was quite busy I felt the slopes were quite free of other skiers & classes. I particularly liked the snow conditions and at the end enjoyed the amazing cafè overlooking the slopes. Reasonably priced menu. All told an excellent start to our skiing this year.”

  • “Very friendly staff. Good, clean facilities and very good prices on lessons & lift passes.”

  • “Very helpful staff would recommend to anyone trying to learn snow sports very down to earth people.”

  • “Great place, nothing negative to add. You can rent all of the equipment down to socks. Any kind of lessons available. Parking, gear store, cafe on site”

  • “Great lessons with experienced instructors who put kids and parents at their ease. The lessons were full as it was half term, but each child still didn’t have to wait too long between turns on the slope. It was easy to get and return equipment and the food in the restaurant was great and came promptly.”

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