Reza Shahidi

What skill do you teach? Alpine Skiing
What qualification do you have? IASI Level-2 Alpine Ski instructor, Outdoor First Aid, Safeguarding Children Protection
What languages can you teach in? English, French, Persian
What was your first Snowsports experience and where? Beckton Alps, London (1988)
What’s the best thing about being an instructor at The Snow Centre? Sharing my enthusiasm and love of snowsports with people of all ages, but most of all working with an amazing team around me.
One single tip you would give to anyone taking part in Snowsport? It's all about having fun, but also remember that you will be participating in a new sport and you need to set realistic goals. So, be patient and remember... Practice makes Permanent ;)
Funniest Snowsports memory? In Obergurgl - Austria, snowploughing back down to town at 2 AM from Nederhuette Mountain Restaurant in pitch darkness with three strangers hitching a ride standing on the back of my skis!!!