Elizabeth Rodgers

What skill do you teach? Skiing
What qualification(s) do you have? Level 1 Alpine Ski Coaching (IASI)
What languages can you teach in? English & BSL (British Sign Language)
When was your first Snowsports experience and where? My first experience of Skiing was at age 14 on Cross Country Skis (skinny skis!) in the wilderness of Vermont, USA. It was on family holiday and my brother and I were very much following in our parents footsteps or rather ski tracks! It was a beautiful crisp sunny day and my parents were dressed in their retro/now very cool, Nordic ski attire! That experience has stuck with me ever since! It wasn’t until I was much older that I learnt to downhill ski.
What’s the best thing about being an instructor at The Snow Centre? Diversity! Everyday is different and you are always learning something new!
One single tip you would give to anyone taking part in Snowsports… You are never too old and to take your time, don’t rush the process. Lastly, enjoy the process after all its supposed to be fun!
Best Snowsports memory... Skiing in Whistler, Canada, with my husband and some friends on a bluebird day down this mountain panoramic run with not a person around! Heaven!